Submit a Proposal

Please complete this form and its entirety by July 31, 2024. The conference theme is "Ignite the Literacy Light & Lead." The Program Committee will notify persons submitting the proposal by the end of August. You must be a PSLA member and register for the conference in order to be considered as a presenter.

Note to Presenters:
PSLA hosts the annual PSLA Conference to provide quality staff development for our members and other educators in SC and across the region. Each session is expected to maintain a high quality of professional development providing our attendees information that can be useful in the classroom or school setting. Sessions are carefully selected to present a broad perspective of improving literacy in SC.

Publishers (any individual or company producing educational materials) may not display, distribute, or sell books/educational materials during break-out sessions except during exhibit hours in regularly assigned exhibit space and/or approved autographing areas. Publishers may not hold open professional meetings during the conference in the conference hotel, because conferees could easily confuse such activities with regular conference meetings.

We request that all presenters adhere strictly to the above procedures during the PSLA Conference.

The PSLA Conference serves as an open forum, opinions expressed and/or materials distributed by the program participants do not necessarily reflect or imply advocacy or endorsement by PSLA, its officers, or members. PSLA does not endorse any specific commercial products or services.

Inquiries can be made to the PSLA Conference Coordinator or Michelle Richardson, President-Elect at

The Palmetto State Literacy Association hosts its Annual Conference to provide quality professional development for our members and other educators within and outside of South Carolina. Each session is expected to maintain the highest of quality to equip attendees with information that can be useful in any educational setting.

Thank you for your conference proposal submission.